(Over 200 lbs)
But what about now? I'm finally at a point in my life (and worked damn hard to get here) where I am comfortable in my body. I say comfortable because I know I can always achieve more!
For the longest time my weight stayed between 160-170. Granted, this was 30 lbs LESS than my heaviest, it was my plateau point and for a moment I was content that this is where I thought my body would stay. I had almost convinced myself that I couldn't lose anymore weight. Glad I got that thought out of my head! So what motivated me to push to that next level? Seeing other people who had the results I wanted! I read up on what they did: their workouts, their diet, their lifestyle. Ok, so I may never be a world class athlete but doesn't mean we can't take on some of the same habits as them. Social networks and blogs allow us to be closer to those who inspire us than ever before. Biggest part of this though is putting the plan into action. Many people read books and have all of the knowledge in the world on how to get to their goals, but never take the actions to get there.
(170 lbs)
I can remember the first day I saw a "hint" of abs...it was like Christmas morning! I probably sat there in the mirror for a good 10 minutes trying different angles to see the muscles forming (don't act like you've never done it). It's definitely a great feeling to daily look at yourself and see new muscles forming, or shave your legs and get annoyed at the AWESOMELY sculpted calves that you now have to conquer. But this isn't my biggest motivation these days...
(150 lbs)
Something that is very new to me is how people have been inspired by my progress. As mentioned, I've struggled my whole life with weight so compliments on my physique are foreign to me. I'm still getting used to being the size I am. I'll go into a store and pick up a shirt thinking it will be too small, only to try it on and be too big! So for people to give me compliments on my body, I probably still look at them like I'm crazy (sorry). But that's what this is all about, helping each other, motivating one another to reach our common goal - a healthy lifestyle! I'm still motivated by those elite athletes like Camille Leblanc-Bazinet (who wouldn't be motivated by her?!) but I'm more so motivated by those who just a month ago couldn't even run a mile or do a squat and are now finishing 5K's! These are the people who truly inspire me and my true motivation!
(Mom & I after her 1st 5K...so proud of her!)